ࡱ> 796 ]bjbjAA 4"#y#y ?8L$p"...!!!!!!!,g$'h*"....*"?".R8!.!: ,,!/it  !U"0" .'',!,!...*"*"..."'......... v:    Undergraduate Guest (Transient) Permission Form For Courses being applied to the HONORS DISTRIBUTION Students registering for a course to apply to the Honors Distribution must have this form approved by the Dean or Associate Dean of the Honors College or an approved designate Students registering to replace departmental and/or collegiate requirements must obtain permission through the appropriate degree granting college (ie. College of Arts & Sciences, College of Engineering, etc.) No more than 18 total credits may be approved as transient for students achieving a baccalaureate degree. Courses taken at another institution can be transferred to The University of Akron, but THE GRADE (S) WILL NOT BE CALCULATED INTO THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON GRADE POINT AVERAGE. To: Director of Admissions (Guest College/University) Date ______________________________ ___________________________________ Student Name _________________________________ ___________________________________ СƬƵ Student ID Number ______________________ (Check one) Semesters Quarters Permission granted for ______________________ (list term(s) and year) The student named is regularly enrolled at The University of Akron as an Honors College student. He/she has permission to attend your institution as a transient student for the course(s) and term specified. It is the students responsibility to insure that an official transcript is received by the Honors College at the address listed above. Student Level: Freshman Sophomore Good Standing in Honors College (3.00 or above)  Junior Senior Good Standing at СƬƵ (2.0 or above) Transient Course Honors Distribution Group HON College Dean/Assoc Dean (course number, name, credits) (or approved designate) _____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________ Honors College Approval:_______________________________________ Title:__________________________________ Distribution of copies: OriginalStudent to take to other institution Coursework taken as a guest/transient student must be from institutions of higher CopyOffice of the Registrar education which are fully accredited as designated in the current Undergraduate CopyDegree Granting College Bulletin. 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