New BCAS advisory councils


Pictured (from left): Katherine Miracle, Jennifer Bozeka, Todd Stumpf, Dean McKinney, Jing Ya Turner, Kiirsi Johnson, Nate Blower, Associate Dean Bill Lyons.

Part-time faculty advisory council

In support of the Strategic Action Plan priority to enhance the well-being of people in the Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences (BCAS), Dean Mitchell S. McKinney developed a Part-time Faculty Advisory Council. This group will assist the dean in identifying ways to better support and enhance the well-being of the college’s part-time faculty, and provide a platform for the valued part-time faculty members to contribute their perspectives and insights. Its inaugural meeting took place on Wednesday, Feb. 21.

"We have approximately 250 part-time faculty in the college, and they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our academic community,” remarked Dean McKinney. “Establishing this council reflects our commitment to inclusivity and collaboration, ensuring that their voices are heard and respected."

Many thanks to the following part-time faculty members who have agreed to serve:

  • Nate Blower, Department of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer
  • Jennifer Bozeka, LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education, Senior Lecturer
  • Kiirsi Johnson, School of Music, Senior Lecturer
  • Katherine Miracle, School of Communication, Senior Lecturer
  • Todd Stumpf, Department of English, Senior Lecturer
  • Jing Ya Turner, Department of Modern Languages, Senior Lecturer

Staff Advisory Council 

Staff Advisory Council.png

Dean Mitchell S. McKinney has developed a Dean’s Staff Advisory Council, a group of staff members from across the College who will work with him to identify ways BCAS can better support staff and enhance staff well-being. 

Many thanks to the following professional staff members who have agreed to serve:

  • Kim Beyer, BCAS Advising
  • Blair Everett, Political Science
  • Lauren Folk, Myers School of Art *
  • Will Hamilton, School of Communication
  • Kim Haverkamp, Bliss Institute
  • Vivian Campbell, Ex Officio, Dean’s Office

* In February of 2024, Lauren Folk replaced inaugural member Dawn Bishop.