Statewide summit on lowering textbook costs set at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ Aug. 2


When educators in higher education gather this week at The University of Akron to focus on reducing textbook costs for students, they will learn about the initiatives already under way here.

С»ÆƬÊÓƵ was selected to host the first annual , which will be held on Thursday, Aug. 2, from 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Jean Hower Taber Student Union. The event is designed to foster information sharing among institutions in Ohio that have affordable-learning initiatives. Making high quality course materials available for free or at minimal cost to students is part of a growing national trend — the Open Educational Resources Movement.

It’s a trend that hopes to reverse another one — soaring textbook costs.

The cost of textbooks over the last 30 years has outpaced the consumer price index by three to four times the rate of inflation. Since 1977, the cost of textbooks has risen 1,041 percent.


At С»ÆƬÊÓƵ, the website was launched earlier this year. It’s a central gathering place for faculty to share information and experiences on finding, and accessing, free or affordable course materials for their students. It also highlights examples of students’ cost savings, thanks to their professors’ efforts. The initiative is a joint collaboration of University Libraries, the Institute for Teaching and Learning, University Council’s Textbook Committee and the University Bookstore.

Need to strike balance

Balancing the often competing needs of lowering costs while providing quality course materials is an ongoing challenge, notes Dr. Aimée deChambeau, dean of University Libraries.

“We always strive to align our resource collections and services with the research, teaching and learning goals of the University’s programs and departments,” says deChambeau. “This year we are especially excited to take a leadership role in the active promotion, integration and adoption of affordable learning strategies across the institution. Our ultimate goal is to increase student success by ensuring that they have affordable access to the materials they need to thrive in their courses.

“This summit is unique in that it brings together and addresses the different approaches to affordable learning in one venue,” adds deChambeau. “I am particularly excited about the level of collaboration across the state this initiative has inspired. We have leadership from OhioLINK, the Academic Library Association of Ohio, our campus libraries and bookstores, and a wide variety of faculty involved in this event.”

For many faculty on the С»ÆƬÊÓƵ campus, like Dr. Kristine N. Kraft, the effort to reduce the cost of course materials has been ongoing for some time.

Exploring options

“The need to lower textbook costs is essential,” notes Kraft, an associate professor and interim director of the School of Allied Health Technology in the College of Health Professions. “This does involve some work on the faculty’s part. A faculty member needs to be aware of all the options that are available to them and the students. The process to go open source may be daunting, but if someone starts in small increments, it is a great process.”

Kraft, who also is program director of medical assisting, says they’ve been able to get a bundle price on the books their students must have by working directly with the University Bookstore and the publisher of the majority of the books.

“In a program-specific course, we have chosen to use all open source documents,” Kraft continues. “This has been over a five-year implementation. Every year, we have added more and more information, and, after numerous years, we have completely gone open source. By doing this, we have saved the student over $150 a semester, with just one book. This is a course where the book will change often as the information changes often.” 

Prior to the all-day event on Aug. 2, a free and optional half-day pre-summit will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 1. It is designed for individuals — such as librarians, instructional designers and administrators — to learn about open educational resources, open textbooks and copyright.

For the schedule and registration information, visit the Affordable Learning Summit online.