Student Organization Spotlight: National Society of Black Engineers


National Society of Black Engineers

In celebration of Black History Month, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the College of Engineering and Polymer Science is highlighting the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), a student organization dedicated to increasing the representation of Black engineers.

About the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

Q: What is the Organization’s purpose and mission? Our mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.

Q: What events, gatherings, and activities does your organization host? We strengthen our community by hosting social events that encourage bonding among our members. This includes team building activities, game nights and volunteering. We also educate our members about industry opportunities by bringing in company speakers to lead events.

Q: Why should students join your organization? NSBE is more than a student organization. We are a community of diverse individuals that share a passion for uplifting Black Engineers. Joining NSBE means developing professionally, while walking away with lifelong friendships.

Q: How can a student get involved with your organization? There are many ways to connect with NSBE:

  1. Follow us on Instagram:
  2. Join our GroupMe:
  3. Join our email list by sending an email to nsbesecretary@uakron.edu.

Q: How does your organization connect with the community outside of С»ÆƬÊÓƵ? In order to connect with our community beyond the University, we have started a NSBE Jr. Chapter in Buchtel High School! Buchtel High School is a predominantly Black school just 10 minutes away from The University of Akron. Our collegiate members meet with a handful of students in grades 9-12 on a bi-weekly basis to mentor them through an Engineering Design Project of their choice! The students in our NSBE Jr. Chapter will be showcasing their projects in the Akron Public School Science Fair and the District 5 Science Fair at The University of Akron.

Q: When does your organization meet? Bi-weekly on Mondays at 6:30 pm.

Q: What are your organization's social media handles?

Q: Anything else you would like to add about your organization? Another great perk to joining NSBE is the potential to attend the NSBE Annual Convention. This convention is planned and hosted by the NSBE National Executive Board. During the convention, thousands of professional, collegiate, and NSBE Jr. members from around the world meet to learn from one another and discuss ideas. This convention is also the host of the largest career fair for black engineers featuring over 400 companies and universities. Select members of The University of Akron NSBE Chapter attend this life-changing event each year.

Q & A with Keridan Morgan, NSBE President

Q: Why did you choose to lead NSBE? I started out as a NSBE member in my sophomore year and quickly realized I wanted to take on more responsibility. I first joined the E-board as Treasurer and held that position for two years. During those years, I successfully raised enough money to cover the costs of attending Annual Convention for 10+ students each year. I also saw a lot that could be improved within NSBE. I became President because I wanted to implement a greater sense of community within our chapter.

Q: Have you experienced any difficulties in leading your organization, and how did you overcome them? I have struggled with delegation. I found myself completing tasks that I knew I should’ve assigned to my fellow E-board members. To overcome this, I was honest with my E-board about my struggles and since then have made strides to delegate more.

Q: What is your favorite NSBE event? My favorite NSBE event was our Speed Dating event where we paired people up and posted a discussion question on the screen. Each pair had two minutes to answer the question and discuss with their partner. Once the two minutes were up, one person from each pairing moved to form a different pair as the next question popped up. I loved this event so much because the room was so loud with so many discussions. It was such a great way for our members to meet new people and learn about each other.

Q: What is the best advice you have for future С»ÆƬÊÓƵ College of Engineering and Polymer Science students? My advice is to pick one or two student organizations and give them your full dedication. It is great to be involved in a lot of programs, but I found that you can’t give 100% to everyone. I had the most meaningful experiences when I narrowed down my involvement.

Q: What is the best advice you have received during your time at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ? The best advice I received at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ was that you can’t please everyone. As a lifelong people pleaser, this was hard, but necessary to hear. It gave me freedom to be my authentic self.

Q: What career aspirations do you have following your time at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ? I plan to work in the biotech industry making medical devices or pharmaceutical agents.


Q: Texting or Talking? Talking

Q: Instagram or TikTok? TikTok

Q: Favorite day of the week? Saturday

Q: Best place in Akron to grab a bite? Hyde Out

Q: Favorite show to binge-watch? New Girl

Q: Fun Fact? I did gymnastics for 10+ years!

Story by CEPS Marketing.

Media contact: Cristine Boyd, 330-972-6476 or cboyd@uakron.edu.