A future lawyer driven by passion


Second-year student, Max Pastoria, at The University of Akron

Driven by his aspirations of becoming a lawyer, second-year student Max Pastoria is becoming more than his three majors at The University of Akron (С»ÆƬÊÓƵ) through his leadership and involvement across campus and as a scholar in the Drs. Gary B. and Pamela S. Williams Honors College.

“What motivates me to be a high-achieving student are the goals I have for my future,” said Pastoria, who’s triple-majoring in financial management, financial planning and economics in the College of Business. “I want to be a corporate lawyer and I know that I must work hard to get into law school and learn what is needed to be successful in my future career.”

Pastoria is involved in many of С»ÆƬÊÓƵ's more than 300 student organizations. He is a senator-at-large for Undergraduate Student Government, a member of Campus Focus, involved in the Pre-Law Society and Beta Gamma Sigma, the international business honor society, and is the treasurer for the recently established Honors Civics Club.

“As a commuter student, the organizations I have joined have allowed me to experience the community С»ÆƬÊÓƵ hosts and truly feel connected,” said Pastoria, who lives in Akron. “On campus, I can pursue the things I am passionate about, such as my faith, my interest in law and politics and serving on campus with others. This has allowed me to experience community while attending The University of Akron, and it has made my college experience incredible.”

Another layer to Pastoria’s college experience is being in the Williams Honors College. There, Pastoria and other high-achieving students are challenged and motivated inside and outside the classroom to promote excellence on campus, in the Akron community and throughout the country and world.

As part of the Williams Honors College experience, the Honors Distribution program requires students to complete courses in several disciplines; likewise, the college’s Honors Colloquia courses bring together honors students from various majors to discuss timely topics in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.

“The Williams Honors College has provided me with a community of dedicated peers, professors and faculty that push me academically and care about me as a person, and experiences to learn outside of the classroom on a consistent basis,” said Pastoria. “My favorite memory of my first year at The University of Akron was the Williams Honors College’s trip to Washington, D.C., where I got to learn more about our nation’s great history with this wonderful honors community.”

More so, Honors students are not required to take some of the general education classes as other students, offering them opportunities to further explore their interests.

“The involvement opportunities at The University of Akron are extensive, and the Williams Honors College offers many academic advantages and opportunities for learning inside and outside the classroom,” said Pastoria. “These avenues connect me and fellow students with the larger University of Akron campus and community.”

Learn more about some of Max’s involvement!

Beta Gamma Sigma