Board names Wilson president, Ramsier provost


President Matthew J. Wilson

President Matthew J. Wilson

Provost Rex Ramsier

Provost Rex Ramsier

The University’s Trustees voted today to name Matthew J. Wilson the University’s 17th president and Dr. Rex Ramsier as senior vice president and provost. Both had been serving in those roles on an interim basis.

Before the votes, Board Chair Roland H. Bauer praised the work done by both.

“In the months since (Wilson’s interim) appointment, he has brought new energy and enthusiasm to all corners of the campus and the community,” Bauer said.  “He is personally visiting area high schools – 20 so far with another two dozen scheduled the rest of this semester – talking with students and engaging with principals and counselors to help with our recruitment and enrollment efforts. He has had well over sixty meetings with donors, business and community leaders and public officials. He is conducting “town halls” with the colleges and academic units to foster free-flowing conversations. And, as has been well documented, he has actively engaged with students in the usual and some not-so-usual ways, such as basketball contests and late night email exchanges to provide guidance to students who have asked for help. As he says it so well… ‘It’s all about the students.’”

Speaking about Ramsier, Bauer said, “In similar fashion, stabilizing the academic leadership of the University is critical to our success going forward. Dr. Ramsier’s depth of experience as a faculty member and administrator, his personal devotion to the University as an alumnus, and his broad knowledge of national accrediting agencies and their procedures have secured the confidence of the Board as well. We recognize that as provost, he serves an important ‘gatekeeper’ function to both oversee and push forward the academic mission of the University.”

The terms of employment for both are detailed below in the transcript of Bauer’s remarks before the votes:

Before we move to our next order of business, I would like to provide some context for the resolutions we will consider to remove the “interim” designation from the current titles held by Matt Wilson and Dr. Rex Ramsier.

When this Board appointed Matt Wilson as interim president on July 11th, we outlined five priorities for him and for this University. They were: develop a sustainable budget; increase enrollment; accelerate our progress in increasing student retention; rebuild and strengthen relationships with our various constituencies; and, significantly grow our development efforts.

I am gratified to report that Matt is well on his way to meeting or exceeding those high expectations. In the months since his appointment, he has brought new energy and enthusiasm to all corners of the campus and the community. He is personally visiting area high schools – 22 so far with another 44 scheduled the rest of this semester – talking with students and engaging with principals and counselors to help with our recruitment and enrollment efforts. He has had well over sixty meetings with donors, business and community leaders and public officials. He is conducting “town halls” with the colleges and academic units to foster free-flowing conversations. And, as has been well documented, he has actively engaged with students in the usual and some not-so-usual ways, such as basketball contests and late night email exchanges to provide guidance to students who have asked for help. As he says it so well…”It’s all about the students.”

This revitalized spirit is paying additional dividends through increased philanthropy to benefit students and the University and also through reinvigorated relationships and collaborative efforts throughout the region.

All of this is good news and we, as members of the Akron community and as Board members, are gratified by this substantial progress.

At the same time, we know significant challenges lie ahead. While great efforts are being made to address recent enrollment declines, especially this year’s decline in freshman enrollment, we understand that a turnaround will not occur overnight. However, the importance of the resulting financial implications of decreases in our overall enrollment must be addressed. We intend to improve our retention and graduation rates and we will continue our collaborative efforts with other colleges and universities while also investing where necessary to maintain and strengthen our academic mission.

All of this takes stable leadership from the top. We believe now is the time to ensure that stability by removing the “interim” from Matt Wilson’s title and see that he remains President of The University of Akron.

In similar fashion, stabilizing the academic leadership of the University is critical to our success going forward. Dr. Ramsier’s depth of experience as a faculty member and administrator, his personal devotion to the University as an alumnus, and his broad knowledge of national accrediting agencies and their procedures have secured the confidence of the Board as well. We recognize that as Provost, he serves an important “gatekeeper” function to both oversee and push forward the academic mission of the University.

Some may ask, “Why now?” A long and expensive national search for new leaders would unnecessarily postpone this process and possibly squander the progress already made. At the urging of many respected voices both within and outside the University, the decision was clear to move forward with the talent and experience already at hand.

We have consulted with representatives from the AAUP-Akron chapter, the Faculty Senate and University Council and have endeavored to address certain of their concerns in the actions under discussion.

With that background, the Chair will now entertain a motion to remove the title of “Interim” from Matthew J. Wilson’s current title and name him President of The University of Akron, subject to the following

  • All conditions in the existing term sheet between The University of Akron and Matthew J. Wilson shall remain the same, including current compensation and benefits, except
    • The “Interim” designation shall be removed throughout the Term Sheet
    • The term as President shall begin immediately and shall continue until June 30, 2019.
    • The Board will consult with constituency groups listed in Administrative Rule 3359-1-05 as to whether to begin a search for President no later June 30, 2018, which could be an internal or an external search.
    • In the event the President ceases to serve as President, he shall return to the full-time 9-month law faculty at a rate of 65% of his final salary as President.

Is there a Motion? Second?

The Chair will now entertain a motion to remove the title of “Interim” from Dr. Rex D. Ramsier’s title and name him Senior Vice President and Provost of The University of Akron, subject to the following:

  • Dr. Ramsier shall be employed as Provost at his current compensation level which shall constitute his base salary.
  • The term as Provost shall begin immediately and shall continue until June 30, 2018.
  • The Board commits to begin a search for the Provost after the June 30, 2018 decision regarding a search for the President.
  • In the event the Provost ceases to serve as Provost, he shall return to the full-time  9-month faculty at 9/11ths of his final salary as Provost.

Is there a Motion? Second?

The Chair will now entertain a motion to direct the Vice President and General Counsel to prepare an appropriate resolution memorializing these actions and to effect the necessary changes to the Term Sheet of the President and to prepare the necessary changes to the Personnel Action Form for the Provost to effect the actions of the Board as approved.

Is there a Motion? Second?