Beloved Employees


Honoring long-time employees who make a difference for our students and our campus community.

Newt Engle - Head Coach, Rifle 

Marling “Newt” Engle, head rifle coach has worked at the University for47 years, making him the longest tenured coach in С»ÆƬÊÓƵ history. Engle joined the rifle team in 1974 and began coaching the team in 1977. What many do not know is that in1979, he also joined the University Police Department (С»ÆƬÊÓƵPD). He retired from С»ÆƬÊÓƵPD in 2011 and for 32 years he wore two hats— as coach and a police officer.  

"In general, my favorite memory at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ would be the graduations,” said Engle. “I love seeing my athletes walk across the stage to get their diploma. A more specific memory would be Feb. 25, 2020, when the team and I attended a NCAA watch party in the stadium for the announcement that the team had earned an invitation to the NCAA Championships ... the first invitation ever!” 

Dr. Juanita Martin- Executive Director, Counseling Center/Psychologist 

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Dr. Juanita Martin has committed a remarkable 35 years to С»ÆƬÊÓƵ, serving as a psychologist within the Counseling Center. In reflecting on her experience, Martin shared, “One life lesson I have learned is resilience. It is helpful to be prepared to deal with different circumstances as life changes. I have learned to try to rock and roll with it. 

Over these three and a half decades, she has accumulated many precious memories involving С»ÆƬÊÓƵ students. “I have seen many students who came for counseling with significant emotional distress that made it difficult for them to focus on school. Some were on the verge of dropping out, "recalled Martin. “My favorite memories are seeing these students move through emotional pain and challenging life circumstances to a successful graduation as they look forward to building a new life. 

William Torgler - Executive Director, Student Success Center 

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William Torgler has been a dedicated employee at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ for 38 years. He has built his career around assisting the University in building initiatives and programs designed to increase retention and success of students, initiatives which allow students to achieve their personal goal of “moving the tassel.” 
Fortunate to be part of a profession that is built upon care and outreach toward students, Torgler reflects on his time at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ, sharing, “I am so fortunate to have established a career in which I am able to assist the University in accomplishing its goals toward a strong future, and to help students achieve their dreams for a better life for themselves and for a better world.” 
Janice Troutman - Director, Myers School of Art 

Energy and passion are what have propelled Janice Troutman to devote 34 years of her life to С»ÆƬÊÓƵ. As director of the Myers School of Art, one of her favorite memories is from creating and teaching “Design x Nine,” an in-house design studio in Folk Hall. A small team of undergraduate graphic design students annually undertake projects for clients, a portion of which are non-profit organizations. The work created by the students is submitted to both local and international professional design competitions. This has played a pivotal role in propelling the careers of students and elevating Design x Nine alongside many well-known design firms.  

Troutman shares a valuable insight. “Students listen, so remember that sharing what you say matters. More students than I could ever imagine have contacted me after graduation to thank me for something I said in a lecture, during office hours or just in passing that made an impact in their thinking about their careers and lives. 

Dr. Larry Snider - Distinguished Professor, Music 

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For 46 years, Dr. Larry Snider has been sharing his love of world music with students and the С»ÆƬÊÓƵ community. “Many of my favorite memories focus on our steel drum concerts and Trinidadian guest artists, workshops with South American and African drummers and so many other experiences that open up our eyes and minds to the richness of diverse cultures and their music,” said Snider. 

Engaging with students brings a deep sense of fulfillment to Snider, rejuvenating his spirit and keeping him invigorated. “It is pure joy when, during a difficult percussion lesson, a student suddenly puts it all together: the musical concepts, the physical techniques, everything they have been studying for months. I get to witness their sudden glow, their pride of accomplishment and their realization that they really can succeed in the career they have chosen,” Snider expresses with pride. “It’s wonderful to see the world through their eyes, and to know that it can be better because of what they’ll contribute as music professionals.” 

Dr. Richard Einsporn- Professor, Statistics 

For an impressive 36 years, Dr. Richard Einsporn has been sharing his humor and imparting knowledge in the field of statistics at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ. Often labeled as “dad jokes“ by some, Einsporn's humor undeniably brings a smile to people's faces.  

Reflecting on a cherished memory involving his students, Einsporn recounted an instance that might not typically stand out as memorable. He narrated, “During a class project, a group of my students conducted an experiment where participants were tasked with mentally estimating the 60 seconds. This was done under various conditions — sitting, walking and even while watching one of my supposedly 'boring' recorded lectures. Astonishingly, the findings revealed that time passed remarkably faster when watching my videos! 

Dr. Rebecca J. Erickson - Department Chair, Sociology and Anthropology 

Positive outcomes come to fruition when you choose to be in the company of individuals who consistently exhibit empathy and compassion. This imprecisely the path that Dr. Rebecca Erickson has followed during her remarkable 32 year journey at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ. 

When you ask Erickson to reflect on her favorite memories and why she has chosen to stay at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ for three decades, you will find that all her responses revolve around the individuals she has chosen to be surrounded by.  

"This was supposed to be a good ‘first job’ when I left graduate school. The people I met here at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ — particularly in the Department of Sociology — helped ensure that I stayed here for more than three decades. Little did I know that my last decade here would allow me to flourish even more fully as I collaborated with amazing leaders from all sorts of organizations, as well as having the opportunity to learn from some of the best hearts (and minds) that can be found anywhere. The ‘С»ÆƬÊÓƵ Advantage,’ its gold standard lies in its people. These people, in and around our great city and University are the reason that, for me, Akron IS flourishing,” boasted Erickson.

Dr. Sucharita Ghosh - Department Chair, Economics 

Continuous curiosity has fueled Dr. Sucharita Ghosh to dedicate 31 years of her professional life to С»ÆƬÊÓƵ. Through her embrace of lifelong learning and adaptability, Ghosh has been able to face a constantly changing academic world with resilience and curiosity, thereby enhancing the С»ÆƬÊÓƵ experience for many. Currently positioned as the Chair of the Department of Economics, Ghosh fondly looks back on some of her favorite experiences at С»ÆƬÊÓƵ.  

“My conversations with students allow me to not only learn from them, but to also see the world through their lens. To me, students are a microcosm of society and my interactions with them allow me the opportunity to constantly stay connected with the next generation. My interactions with students and the knowledge that we potentially can have a deep impact on them brings joy to my daily work experience,” Ghosh stated. “Whenever a С»ÆƬÊÓƵ student reaches out to me to share their after-graduation life story, I never fail to be amazed at how their С»ÆƬÊÓƵ experience has had such a profound impact on their future life and careers.”