Akron Law partners with two universities to offer accelerated law programs


The University of Akron’s School of Law is pleased to announce it has signed agreements with Walsh University in Canton, OH, and Robert Morris University (RMU) in Pittsburgh, PA, to offer students the opportunity to earn their law degrees more quickly and economically with joint 3+3 Bachelor’s/Law Accelerated Degree Programs.

Enrolling in a 3+3 program, students will have the opportunity to complete both bachelor’s and law degrees in just six years instead of the seven years typically necessary to complete their undergraduate degree (four years) and juris doctor degree (three years). The senior year of a student’s undergraduate studies will coincide with their first year at Akron Law, allowing participants to earn their undergraduate degrees from Walsh or RMU after their first year of law school studies at Akron Law.

Students can apply for the program immediately.


Akron Law dean Matthew J. Wilson commented that these "accelerated programs will better enable us to assist students who are interested in the law by reducing their financial burden, enhancing their educational options, and working with them earlier in the process."  He noted that Walsh University and Robert Morris University are “welcome partners as both institutions strive to provide opportunities and distinct career pathways for their students.”  

The Ohio Supreme Court approved rule changes in July 2014 allowing eligible students to enter law school after just three years of undergraduate course work. The program can save eligible students up to one year of tuition and fees.

Under the agreements, students at Walsh and RMU will transfer the first year of credits from classes taken at Akron Law back to their home institution. This will enable the students to obtain their Bachelor’s degree. They will then have two years left to complete their JD degree at Akron Law.

Sharing common goals

"Walsh University is excited to partner with The University of Akron School of Law," stated Walsh University vice president for academic affairs Douglas Palmer, Ph.D. "Walsh's commitment to educating 'leaders in service' combined with Akron's commitment to a high-quality and affordable legal education make this an ideal partnership to serve the needs of Northeast Ohio and beyond for well-trained and committed attorneys."

"Robert Morris University if extremely proud to be partnering with The University of Akron's School of Law in an accelerated 3+3 degree program," said David L. Jamison, J.D., provost and senior vice president, academic affairs at RMU. "Providing a quicker and more economical path to completion of both a bachelor's degree and a law degree in just six years is consistent with maximizing educational and career pathways for today's students." He continued, "We feel that Robert Morris students will be well prepared for the exceptionally high quality legal education that they will receive at Akron Law, and will, as graduates, be a credit to both institutions."

Media contact: Lisa Craig, lmc91@uakron.edu, 330-972-7429