Student Organization Spotlight: Environmental Action


The University of Akron (С»ÆƬÊÓƵ) is home to almost 300 student organizations, covering a wide range of interests and majors. Each of these groups has its unique mission and focus, offering students a wealth of opportunities to get involved on campus. To make it easier for students to find the perfect organization and explore their options, С»ÆƬÊÓƵ offers , an online portal that lists student groups and upcoming activities.  To help students in their search for the perfect organization, UCM will be highlighting student-led organizations, with Q&As featuring club presidents or advisors.  

Student Group: Environment Action (EA) 
President: Alia Baig, a senior majoring in philosophy with a minor in Spanish    

Q:  What is the mission of Environmental Action? 
A: EA aims to educate students about issues facing the environment while also encouraging them to take action in the ways they can. EA has talked about sustainability and being eco-friendly and hopes to inspire students to care about Akron and maintain the beauty of the nature we have access to. We raise awareness in our meetings and the “action” part of Environmental Action comes into play through our regular park clean-ups. Additionally, EA is a community where like-minded people who feel the same way about environmental issues can come together to discuss them and connect with more people on campus! 
Q: What events, gatherings and activities does Environmental Action host?  
A: EA holds bi-weekly meetings. We also hold local park clean-ups, like at Summit Lake where we have gone multiple times, Downtown Akron Towpath and University Neighborhood. We often do climate symposiums at with Urban Agriculture and faculty from the Biology Department, such as Dr. Chelsea Miller, assistant professor of biology, Dr. Lara Roketenetz, Field Station director and Dr. Randall Mitchell, professor of biology. 
Q: Why should a student join Environmental Action? 
A: EA is the perfect organization for students who are determined to contribute to the betterment of our natural world. Whether they want to help a local ecosystem in Akron or combat climate change on a larger scale, there are plenty of opportunities for them to have a hand in this.  
Q: How does Environmental Action prepare students for their future careers? 
A: For students interested in climate/environmental work, they can actively participate in the club and make changes before they start their careers. EA can help prepare students for future careers by giving them opportunities they may not have gotten if they were not in EA. Though their careers may not revolve around environmental projects, there are many other lessons and life skills learned from EA that can be applied to many other situations in life.  
Q: What significant achievements, awards, or honors has Environmental Action received?  
A: EA received С»ÆƬÊÓƵ’s Organization of the Month Award in 2023.  
Q: What is one goal Environmental Action hopes to achieve in the future?  
A: Implementing a long-term project to make our campus more eco-friendly and reduce litter around Akron. Also, to have students feel ownership of the environment in Akron and want to keep it clean for the benefit of all. 
Q: Where does Environmental Action meet, and at what time?  
A: We meet on Wednesdays at 5 p.m., but the time may shift in the fall semester. And we do Saturday hikes and Sunday park cleanups on alternating weekends. 
Q: Is there anything else you want to say about Environmental Action?  
A: This year, we decided to host our own hiking spree in the Spring. Each time students come to a hike or park clean up, they are entered into a raffle to win a prize basket with reusable and eco-friendly items.