What students need to know

The Student Code of Conduct and academic misconduct

Code of Student Conduct: The University of Akron stresses the importance of proper conduct inside and outside of the classroom. In order to foster an atmosphere conducive to learning, it is the responsibility of every student to know and follow the Code of Student Conduct and to conduct herself/himself in a manner that is considered to be appropriate for a collegiate educational environment. Behavior that is disruptive to teaching or learning (in or out of the classroom) or in violation of the Code of Student Conduct will be referred to the

Academic misconduct: It is each student’s responsibility to know what constitutes academic misconduct. The Code of Student Conduct defines academic misconduct as any activity that compromises the academic integrity of the student and university, and undermines the educational process. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and/or engaging in any behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus or during class discussion. Allegations of academic misconduct will be resolved following the outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. For additional information or resources concerning academic misconduct or the Code of Student Conduct please contact the Department of Student Conduct and Community Standards by phone at (330) 972-6380, by email at studentconduct@uakron.edu, or online at www.uakron.edu/studentconduct

Statement about the ethical use of ChatGPT and other AI tools for syllabus

Ethical Use of AI

AI tools (such as ) are powerful tools that can be used to aid in the learning process. Students should look to their instructors for guidance on the fair and ethical use of AI tools for this course. The inappropriate or unethical use of such technologies will violate the as cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration, misrepresentation, and/or gaining an unfair advantage. The Code of Student Conduct is a University rule that provides the framework for the student conduct process at the University of Akron and defines student misconduct and the process that the University will use to address student misconduct reported to the Department of Student Conduct and Community Standards. Students at the University of Akron are responsible to know and abide by the Code of Student Conduct and all University rules, regulations, and policies.

Add, drop, withdrawal and refund policies

All students must adhere to the University’s policies on adding, dropping and withdrawing from courses. The policies and important dates can be found at:

Please be aware that the date of a drop or withdrawal affects the amount of the refund. See the University refund policy.

Inclusive excellence

The University of Akron seeks to increase the impact of its inclusive excellence commitment, programs and resources while simultaneously increasing efficiencies. Units and programs representing a wide spectrum of diversity have been consolidated into a larger, more interconnected Office for Inclusion & Equity, the leader of which reports directly to the president.

The programs, events and services of the Office of Inclusion & Equity directly contribute to matriculation, persistence, and graduation from the University, and the University seeks a fair and equitable culture in which the talents of every member of The University of Akron community reinforces its values and contributes to achieving its mission.

We will continue to promote learning, critical thinking and personal enrichment through great programs that create an inclusive environment that recognizes and appreciates the talents, skills and perspectives of all individuals and contributes to their full potential achievement.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against students, guests and employees of educational institutions.

The regulations implementing Title IX are enforced by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights and prohibit discrimination, exclusion, denial, limitation, or separation based on gender. It is intended to end sex discrimination in all areas of education. More about Title IX.

Sexual harassment and sexual violence

The University of Akron is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of discrimination, including sexual violence and sexual harassment. This includes instances of attempted and/or completed sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, gender-based stalking, and sexual harassment. If you (or someone you know) has experienced or experiences sexual violence or sexual harassment, know that you are not alone. Help is available, regardless of when the violence or harassment occurred, and even if the person who did this is not a student, faculty or staff member.

Confidential help is available. If you wish to speak to a professional, in confidence, please contact:

Please know the majority of other University of Akron employees, including faculty members, are considered to be “responsible employees” under the law and are required to report sexual harassment and sexual violence. If you tell a responsible employee about a situation, that employee will be required to report it to the Title IX Coordinator and possibly the police.

Additional information, resources, support and the University of Akron protocols for responding to sexual violence are available on our Title IX site.

Students with disabilities

At the University of Akron Office of Accessibility, our goal is to provide reasonable accommodations and a supportive, well-resourced environment to students with disabilities in order to promote student success in the university environment.

This mission goes well beyond the legal requirements, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and supports the University's commitment to create an accessible and welcoming environment for all students. Our goal is to:

  • provide students with full access to the academic environment
  • advocate for social justice for students with disabilities
  • embrace the diversity of our student body
  • celebrate a culturally sensitive and accessible campus.

The University will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities (see policies).

You are encouraged to contact the Office of Accessibility for information about registering with the office. You can reach the Office by email at access@uakron.edu, stop by Simmons Hall 105 or call 330-972-7928 or 330-972-5764 (TDD).

Religious Accommodations for Students

The University prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion and welcomes individuals from all different faiths, philosophies, religious traditions, and other systems of belief. Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 3345.026 (aka “The Testing Your Faith Act”) you may request a religious accommodation to be excused from class up to three (3) days for reasons of faith or religious or spiritual belief system to participate in organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or other religious or spiritual organization. You will not be penalized as a result of any of these excused absences.

The request for excusal must be made, in writing, during the first fourteen (14) days of the semester and include the date(s) of each proposed absence or request for alternative accommodation. The request must clearly state that the proposed absence is to participate in religious activities. The request must also provide the particular accommodation(s) you desire. For example, you may request to be excused from class to participate or observe a religious holiday or you may request an alternate examination date. An alternative examination date may be established, which may be before or after the time and date the examination or other academic requirement was originally scheduled.

The following is a link to the Policy: .

For more information regarding this Policy you may contact the University EEO Office at:

Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action University of Akron

The Administrative Services Building
185 East Mill Street
Room 138
Akron, OH 44325
(330) 972-7300 | Phone
(330) 972-5816 | Fax


The University provides a variety of support programs and resources to ensure our students are successful in and outside of the classroom. If you have trouble meeting basic needs like safe shelter, sleep, and food or if you are seeking support related to tutoring, mental health, or navigating campus, please outreach to ZipAssist via the Help-A-Zip Referral Form at www.uakron.edu/referral.

Recommended AKRON ALL-IN Book Bundle Syllabus Verbiage

This course is part of our course material delivery program, AKRON ALL-IN Book Bundle. The Bookstore will provide each undergraduate student with a convenient package containing all required physical materials and all digitally delivered materials for this course will be integrated into Brightspace.

You received email notifications from the С»ÆƬÊÓƵ Bookstore confirming materials provided for each of your courses and asking you to select how you would like to receive any printed components (in-store pick up or home delivery). If you have not done so already, please confirm your fulfillment preference so the bookstore can prepare your materials. 

For more information about Akron ALL-IN Book Bundle, please go to .

To access your digital materials within Brightspace:

Content Type and Delivery Method Direction
eBook select the “Course Materials” link in Brightspace
Courseware - SSO Partner Integration select the “Course Materials” link in Brightspace 
Courseware - Access Code Reveal reveal the access code in the “Course Materials” link and redeem the code at the link provided on that page, or in the publisher’s integration in Brightspace 
Courseware - Publisher Direct select the publisher’s link in your course in Brightspace