Exchange St residence hall

Located on the South Quad, Exchange Street is a six-floor building with elevator service. There are two Resident Assistants on every floor for supervision and guidance. Up to 500 students can choose from shared single rooms, two-person apartment units and four-person apartment units. This hall will be open during breaks and vacations.


Items in bedroom (per person)

  • Kitchen w/full-size refrigerator, stove/oven, dishwasher, garbage disposal and plenty of counter and cabinet space
  • Two bedrooms/one bathroom OR four bedrooms/two bathrooms
  • Bed (36x80" mattress)
  • Dresser
  • Desk
  • Wardrobe

Additional Information

  • Independent temperature control in each apartment
  • Washer/dryer in each apartment
  • Furnished Living Room
  • Sofa/chair/accent table/counter-top dining area
  • Limited storage area
  • Carpeting in bedrooms and living room
  • Cable/telephone line/internet access (hardwire and wireless)
  • Air conditioning
  • Outdoor volleyball court

Room Dimensions

  • Living Room: 10' x 14'
  • Living Rooms in Lower Level and Fifth Floor are 10' x 12'
  • Bedroom: 9' x 11'

Additional Details

No. of Floors: 6
Location: South Quad
Gender: Coed by Room
Bath: Suite/Room Bath
Smoke Free: yes
Air Conditioning: yes
Cable: yes
Hardwire Internet: yes
Wireless Internet: yes

Floor Study Areas: yes
Laundry Facilities: yes
Kitchen Facilities: yes
Vending Machines: yes
Convenience Store: yes
Disabled Access: yes
Elevator Access: yes
Meal Plan Required: no
Living/Learning Community: no


Floor plans

exchange apartments

Building plan

Click here to view the layout of the residence hall.