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Group Testing Request

Counseling & Testing Center - Testing Services
304 Simmons Hall
Akron, OH 44325-4303
Phone: 330-972-7084
Fax: 330-972-5679

Please complete the following information and submit to request for proctoring services for classroom testing, Please note that group-based testing services are offered on a limited basis, we cannot guarantee the availability of a proctor, and verification from department chair is required to assure need for service.

Instructor Information
Test Information

Tests are proctored in Testing Services in Simmons 304 under National College Testing standards. Our office requires a roster of students permitted to test, once availability of service is determined. Instructors are responsible for informing students to call 330-972-7084 to schedule an appointment during our office hours, and students are able to schedule anytime during office hours.

On a limited basis, we may be available to proctor a test in your classroom due to your required absence from class. We cannot guarantee the availability of a proctor, and verification from your department chair is required to assure neither you or other department faculty/staff are available to proctor. The test will be proctored under regular classroom conditions. Students will not present identification or check-in via roster to be admitted to the test, no surveillance recordings of exam incidents will be available, and access to students' personal belongings cannot be controlled, though will be monitored and reported to instructor.

Test Dates Permitted - provide date range during which students can take the test (must be during regular office hours)
Submitting and Returning Tests
An asterisk (*) denotes a required field