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Community Connectors


Community Connectors Program Connects Barberton Students with Adult Mentors

In 1995, faculty in the School of Education partnered with an area urban school district to design and implement a model to mentorship where trained University of Akron education majors mentored, tutored, and taught academically vulnerable youth. University students and faculty were on-site daily in working with students and their teachers to provide individual and differentiated supports. 

Between 2015 and 2019, the model (PIs Dr. Brad Maguth, Dr. Kristin Koskey, and Dr. Al Daviso) was awarded over $500,000 in grant and in-kind funds through the Ohio Department of Education's . Funds supported an expanded mentorship partnership between the University of Akron's School of Education, Barberton City Schools, iC.A.R.E. Mentoring of the United Way of Summit County, Raymond James Financial, and Johnson United Methodist Church. The program, still in operation today, provides access to adult role models who motivate and inspire youth, as well as help them develop skills that lead to success in school and the workplace. Program mentors included University of Akron students and Barberton community members.