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Future of Accreditation

The Higher Learning Commission
has introduced the Pathways
model that will change future
reaffirmation processes.

about the
Pathways model.

Call for Comments

The University of Akron is seeking comments from the public about the University in preparation for its reaccreditation evaluation by its regional accrediting agency.  The University will host a visit March 3-6, 2013, with a team representing the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association.  The University of Akron has been accredited by the Commission since 1914.  The team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation.

The public is invited to submit comments regarding the University:

Public Comment on The University of Akron
The Higher Learning Commission
230 South LasSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL  60604-1411

The public may also submit comments on the Commission’s Web site at . 

The University of Akron Self-study: