Undergraduate Honors to Law Program

Program Overview

The Honors to Law program is designed to provide undergraduate honors students at The University of Akron an opportunity to gain special involvement with the School of Law community during their undergraduate career. It is particularly appropriate for Honors College students, even as early as a student's first year in college. A complete description of the program may be found at the Honors to Law web page of the School of Law.

The special involvement of Honors to Law participants with the School of Law may include:

  • Mentoring by law faculty and students
  • Advising by Law Admissions and Law Career Planning and Placement
  • Joining law student organizations as auxiliary members
  • Participating in law school programs such as brown bag luncheons, academic events, and social events
  • Visiting a law school class at least once per semester
  • Registering as a member of the С»ÆƬÊÓƵ-Law student e-mail listserv

Honors College students are encouraged to complete an application for the Honors to Law program. Conditions for acceptance and presumptive admission to the School of Law are coincident with the conditions to graduate from the Honors College as a University Honors Scholar. The vast majority of Honors students graduate as University Honors Scholars. Requirements include graduating with a 3.40 or above cumulative grade point average, writing an Honors Research Project, completing three Honors Colloquia classes, and taking Honors sections of introductory courses.

Honors to Law students will not be required to accept admission to С»ÆƬÊÓƵ's School of Law, but they will have that option. There is no requirement of having a particular major as an undergraduate.

Advantages of the Honors to Law program

Elaborating on the advantages noted above, there will be
Mentoring: Honors to Law students will have special mentoring opportunities with С»ÆƬÊÓƵ law faculty and student mentors. In addition, we anticipate that attorney mentors will be developed through the Akron Bar Association and the Akron Barristers Association.
Community Building: Honors to Law students will be welcomed to the law school community by inviting them to join student organizations as auxiliary members; attend Brown Bag Seminars, Career Planning Roundtables, and other academic/social events; register with our law student listserv so they may receive law school news on a regular basis; possibly participate in any future crosslisted courses with the School of Law; and visit a law class at least once each semester. In addition, they will have access to guidance from the Assistant Dean of Law Admission, Financial Aid, and Student Services.
Admission to Law School: Honors to Law students will receive presumptive admission to The University of Akron School of Law, under the conditions listed above, and will receive priority consideration for scholarship assistance. Law School admission and scholarship decisions for Honors to Law students may be released as early as the October prior to the following August when that class would matriculate to law school. Early consideration will be given to candidates who have completed law application files from October through January as scholarships are not traditionally awarded to the rest of the admitted applicant pool until February.

A complete application may be found at this Law School Link

Interest Form: If you would like to indicate your interest in the Honors to Law program, simply fill out the form and submit it. You will receive all e-mail notices about the program.