COURSE DESCRIPTION:  The Senior Honors Project in Philosophy consists of a substantial philosophical thesis, approximately 20-50 pages in length, including footnotes, references, and a bibliography.  Three credit hours and a letter grade will be awarded for this course.

PRE-REQUISITES:  The Honors student must have attained senior standing and the approval of the Philosophy Department Preceptor (currently the Department Chair) before enrolling.

PROJECT PROPOSAL: The first step is for the student to prepare a Project Proposal.  Proposal due dates and the Project Proposal Form are available on the Honors College website at .  The student is to select a thesis Sponsor from the full-time faculty within the Philosophy Department, as well as a Committee comprised of the Sponsor and two additional University faculty members to serve as Readers.

PROJECT DRAFTS:  After the proposal is approved, the student meets with the thesis Sponsor to discuss the project and begin submitting drafts.  Periodic meetings will be required and several drafts may be necessary before a final thesis is ready for submission to the Committee for approval and grading.  Although it is the Sponsor who awards the final grade, be sure to keep the Readers up-to-date throughout the process.  Send them copies of the thesis at regular intervals and expect revisions based on their comments.

PROJECT SUBMISSION:  The final project is to be submitted electronically via IdeaExchange.  For details go to the Honors College webpage at .